Pew Research Center: Economic Disparities and the Increased Value of Postsecondary Education

February 18, 2014 | Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education

A new report from the Pew Research Center summarizes public views and student attitudes on the value of a college degree and examines both the individual and societal benefits of postsecondary education. Based on Pew surveys and analysis of U.S. Census data, "The Rising Cost of Not Going to College" argues that college graduates outperform their peers with less education in nearly every measure of career attainment and economic well-being. However, the report also finds that just going to college isn`t always enough – a student`s chosen field of study plays a major role in future earnings and job satisfaction. Additionally, while the value of a postsecondary degree is at a record high, the value of a high school diploma has declined to such an extent that earnings for students born after 1980 have remained surprisingly stagnant. 

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